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Awakening the inner child, Xavier Cormier, 2022
Awakening the inner child, détails, Xavier Cormier, 2022,
variable dimensions, found and donated objects. D.R. Adagp
Memories in the skin, Xavier Cormier, 2022
Memories in the skin, details (ex-votos), Xavier Cormier, 2023, with the contribution of Lucie Calise, Eva Colpacci, Laureline Deloingce, Charlotte Joly and Florence Marqueyrol. Variable dimensions.
Collective exhibition

memories in the skin, 2023

Xavier C. brings together artists, researchers and practitioners from different fields in a working group that explores our relationship to memory and identity. Going against the theoretical field, it proposes a collaborative experimentation around the production of gestures and forms and their collective assimilation.


Colaborative scenography

The rustling of tracks, 2023

The jazz band Ostrakinda develop a serie of collaborative concert with Banlieues bleues festival. For the third one they invited me to create an environment with residents of Bobigny town.

The rushing of tracks, Xavier Cormier, 2022
The rustling of tracks, details,
Xavier Cormier, 2023, Variable dimensions, colaborative scenography.



In bed with la loire, 2022

How does a community build its belief and conciousness in regard with landcape ? During four months of residency in the old Redureau carpentry near Nantes, I worked with given materials in order to begin to answer that interrogation.

We will burn together 2, Xavier Cormeir, 2022,
We’ll burn together 2, Xavier Cormier, 2022, 97x77x4 cm, goat leather, oak, glass, eyelets, studs. D.R. ADAGP
Eve’s dream,Xavier Cormier, 2022
Eve’s dream, detail,
Xavier Cormier,2022, 108 x 130 x 72 cm, solid wood headboard, python leather, eel skin, canvas, wadding.
Interior Loire views, Xavier Cormier, 2022
Interior Loire Cup 3/3, 2022, mp3 player, 11 sound tracks, car speaker, fabrics, wire, oak, neon tubes, switch, halogen dimmers. D.R. ADAGP
Interior Loire views, Xavier Cormier, 2022
Interior Loire Cup 1/3, 2022, mp3 player, 11 sound tracks, car speaker, fabrics, wire, oak, neon tubes, switch, halogen dimmers. D.R. ADAGP
The hidden secret of the masters,
Xavier Cormier, 2021,
130 x 105 x 60 cm, 7’38,
stone, amplifier, leather, mp3 player, speakers, headphones, medium, acrylic paint, solid wood, dandelion leaf, pigeon feather, plywood.

The hidden secret of the masters, 2021

The installation broadcasts a concrete music
symphony on speakers, addressed to a rock, while it is necessary to seize a curious earpiece to hear the story told of it. I use snippets of intimate memories to compose this first sound work: a parabolic text on pedagogy written at the Beaux-Arts de
Nantes in 2011, as well as objects gleaned and preserved. These are so many treasures
of a collection that I accumulate modestly, with time and the childish spirit that continues to animate me.


xavier cormier




DM to purchase or inquiries of collaboration 😉